Other Look by Raul Martinez
- Submitted by: admin
- Arts and Culture
- Paint and Sculpture
- 06 / 25 / 2007
Raul Martinez: Other Look, is the exhibition opened at the National Museum of Fine Arts starting next June 29 until September 3, in the 80th birthday anniversary of one of the greatest pop artists in Cuba.
Although the pieces to be shown are known by the public, the selection gives it a specific character to the exhibition.
On this regard, his beloved friend the playwright Abelardo Estorino, expressed that Raul Martinez was very interested in the cameras and the project is very attractive since it reveals that the use of photography gives a new expression to his painting.
Other Look will be conformed by the most important collages of the series Drawings to Color and Of the Conquest without forgetting the acrylics on cardboard of the 70s, a mark of his peculiar representation of the Cuban social context.
This exhibition constitutes a unique opportunity to appreciate the use of the still in Raul Martinez's painting and the reason of his inclusion.
The pieces to be exhibited this time are influenced by the struggling social reality of the first years of the Revolution and the opportune re-interpretation of the North American pop art.
Raul Martinez, National Prize for plastic arts in 1994, left a work of compulsory reference: memorable pieces of the Cuban graphic, photography and painting have gone into history under his signature.
Raul would turn 80 years old this year who according to the essayist and critic Graziella Pogolotti, was the informal teacher of generations of his contemporaries.
Source: Cubasi.cu