Anti-erosive measures applied in Cuba to figt soil erosion
- Submitted by: admin
- Environment
- Santiago de Cuba
- Science and Technology
- 08 / 26 / 2007

Cuba has applied anti-erosive measures in over one million hectares of land and a half to stop and counteract the deterioration of soils and revitalize agricultural production.
The use of green fertilizers, drainage and fitting-out lands are among tasks of the National Program for Soils Improvement and Conservation, in the nation's 14 provinces.
Another vital aspect is reforestation, whose rate hardly reached 21 percent in 1999, while at present surpasses 24 percent, above all the efficient and ordered work in the Integral Forest Farms.
In addition of preserving soils, Cuba has increased the production of organic fertilizers and biological resources for agriculture, to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers that pollute environment.
Source: Prensa Latina