Cuba Headlines

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Cuban experts are analyzing possible links between the Sahara dust and the appearance of respiratory diseases and bronchial asthma in the island, Granma newspaper reported Monday.

Dr. Eugenio Mojena, from the Satellite Section at the Forecast Center of the Cuban Institute of Meteorology, told the daily that large clouds of dust particles arrive on this island from the African continent every year.

Those particles are moved westward through the flow of trade winds, crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

The maximum frequency occurs from May to August, but they may also happen in June and July, and in a lesser extent, from Namibia and Asia.

The expert stated that this phenomenon has been systematically observed in Havana city since the early 70s of the last century, through photos taken from satellites.

At present, there is a joint research project between the Satellite department at the Forecast Center of the Cuban Institute of Meteorology and the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology from the Public Health Ministry (MINSAP), to establish links with the mentioned ailments.

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