Cuban festival of cinema concludes today
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- 03 / 02 / 2008

According to the information of its president, the movie director Jorge Luis Sánchez (El Benny), it is experiencing a very well defined change in this edition as it is going out of Havana for the first time. Something unusual is that the provincial prison from Cienfuegos (the Penitentiary Center from Ariza), which has a Movie Club, will be one of its venues. This is part of the rehabilitation plan through culture for citizens who have failed with society.
There will also be venues in universities and in the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MINREX in Spanish). There will be presentations of the competing pieces in all of them, as well as presentations and discussions to analyze the way in which the participants think and how are the productions received, creating in this way a link between producers and the public.
In the competition of new producers there are 151 movies included: 52 of them are documentaries, 32 are fiction movies, 12 are animated movies. There are 77 men and 37 women participating as authors and they come from different provinces of the country.
There will also be the Competition La Mirada del Otro (The Sight of the Other), with pieces made by young people from foreign countries who are studying at the International Movie School from San Antonio de los Baños and the FAMCA. They (7 men and 5 women) will present 9 documentaries and 3 fiction pieces.
In this seventh Exhibition of Young Movie Producers there will be a tribute to the Master of Documentary Movies Santiago Álvarez, which includes among those poorly remembered Escambray made in 1961, Ciclón (Storm) (1963), Pedales sobre Cuba (Pedals over Cuba) (1965), El sueño del pongo (The dream of the Pongo) (1970), as well as the international clasics: LBJ, Hanoi martes 13 (Hanoi, Tuesday, 13), 79 primaveras (79 Springs) and a selection of ICAIC Newsreports, among many others at the Chaplin Cinema.
The photographic exhibition Santiago Álvarez: lo extraordinario de la realidad (Santiago Álvarez: the extraordinary of reality was inaugurated in the lobby of this cinema and there was also the seminar Santiago...Now!, an encounter with movie makers, technicians and close relatives of the deceased professor.
Also, his son Victor, who is preparing a book on the life and work of his father (something very important for the history of Cuban cinema and documentary cinema) will offer a talk on his work. This will take place at the Centro Cultural Cinematográfico (Movie Cultural Center) from the ICAIC on Saturday, March 1st at 5:30 p.m.
There is also the special presentation of Seis personalidades de la cultura cubana (Six personalities of Cuban culture) with movies (some of which are premieres) on Alejo Carpentier, Alberto Alonso, Bebo Valdés, Raúl Martínez and Jorge Herrera.
There will be some special guests such as the famous Polish director Krzyssztof Zanussi, the U.S. documentary makers Albert and David Maysles and Matías Bize, one of the most famous producers from the new generation of Chilean movie makers. Matías Bize offered a press conference on February 29th at the Centro Cultural Cinematográfico ICAIC (ICAIC Movie Cultural Center).
About the international exhibition, there are Latin American pieces (49), pieces from Canada and the United States (30), European (78) and Las camaras de la diversidad (The chambers of diversity) with five documentaries with an indigenous theme from Brazil Mexico and Ecuador.
The movie posters have three exhibitions: New designers, with unpublished posters made by students from the Higher Design Institute, in the 23 y 12 Cinema, Fabulous 60 with posters made by the ICAIC between 1960 and 1969 at the Gallery of the Movie Cultural Center and Ghost Posters a very curious exhibition of posters of scripts that were never shot.
The venues to see the movies are: the Charles Chaplin cinema, the Infanta Multicine, the 23 y 12 Cinema, the Centro Cultural Cinematográfico ICAIC, the Titón Screen (5th floor of the ICAIC building) and the Charlot video screen.
Other venues are: the Higher Design Institute, the Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences, the José Antonio Echeverría University City, the Social Communication Faculty, the Psychology Faculty, the Arts Faculty, the University of Computer Sciences (UCI in Spanish), the Hermanos Saíz Association, La Madriguera and the MINREX, among others.
There will also be venues in universities and in the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MINREX in Spanish). There will be presentations of the competing pieces in all of them, as well as presentations and discussions to analyze the way in which the participants think and how are the productions received, creating in this way a link between producers and the public.
In the competition of new producers there are 151 movies included: 52 of them are documentaries, 32 are fiction movies, 12 are animated movies. There are 77 men and 37 women participating as authors and they come from different provinces of the country.
There will also be the Competition La Mirada del Otro (The Sight of the Other), with pieces made by young people from foreign countries who are studying at the International Movie School from San Antonio de los Baños and the FAMCA. They (7 men and 5 women) will present 9 documentaries and 3 fiction pieces.
In this seventh Exhibition of Young Movie Producers there will be a tribute to the Master of Documentary Movies Santiago Álvarez, which includes among those poorly remembered Escambray made in 1961, Ciclón (Storm) (1963), Pedales sobre Cuba (Pedals over Cuba) (1965), El sueño del pongo (The dream of the Pongo) (1970), as well as the international clasics: LBJ, Hanoi martes 13 (Hanoi, Tuesday, 13), 79 primaveras (79 Springs) and a selection of ICAIC Newsreports, among many others at the Chaplin Cinema.
The photographic exhibition Santiago Álvarez: lo extraordinario de la realidad (Santiago Álvarez: the extraordinary of reality was inaugurated in the lobby of this cinema and there was also the seminar Santiago...Now!, an encounter with movie makers, technicians and close relatives of the deceased professor.
Also, his son Victor, who is preparing a book on the life and work of his father (something very important for the history of Cuban cinema and documentary cinema) will offer a talk on his work. This will take place at the Centro Cultural Cinematográfico (Movie Cultural Center) from the ICAIC on Saturday, March 1st at 5:30 p.m.
There is also the special presentation of Seis personalidades de la cultura cubana (Six personalities of Cuban culture) with movies (some of which are premieres) on Alejo Carpentier, Alberto Alonso, Bebo Valdés, Raúl Martínez and Jorge Herrera.
There will be some special guests such as the famous Polish director Krzyssztof Zanussi, the U.S. documentary makers Albert and David Maysles and Matías Bize, one of the most famous producers from the new generation of Chilean movie makers. Matías Bize offered a press conference on February 29th at the Centro Cultural Cinematográfico ICAIC (ICAIC Movie Cultural Center).
About the international exhibition, there are Latin American pieces (49), pieces from Canada and the United States (30), European (78) and Las camaras de la diversidad (The chambers of diversity) with five documentaries with an indigenous theme from Brazil Mexico and Ecuador.
The movie posters have three exhibitions: New designers, with unpublished posters made by students from the Higher Design Institute, in the 23 y 12 Cinema, Fabulous 60 with posters made by the ICAIC between 1960 and 1969 at the Gallery of the Movie Cultural Center and Ghost Posters a very curious exhibition of posters of scripts that were never shot.
The venues to see the movies are: the Charles Chaplin cinema, the Infanta Multicine, the 23 y 12 Cinema, the Centro Cultural Cinematográfico ICAIC, the Titón Screen (5th floor of the ICAIC building) and the Charlot video screen.
Other venues are: the Higher Design Institute, the Higher Institute of Technologies and Applied Sciences, the José Antonio Echeverría University City, the Social Communication Faculty, the Psychology Faculty, the Arts Faculty, the University of Computer Sciences (UCI in Spanish), the Hermanos Saíz Association, La Madriguera and the MINREX, among others.