Thirst for blood (I): Reflections by Comrade Fidel
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- Caribbean
- Havana
- personalities
- Society
- Politics and Government
- 03 / 16 / 2008

The empire is not resigning itself to being the only loser at the Rio Group meeting held in Santo Domingo on March 7th. It wants to set up the bloody mess once more. It is not difficult to demonstrate it.
On Tuesday March 11th, El Nuevo Herald, a paper that is extremely hostile to Cuba and destined to chart guidelines in Latin America, under the title of "A Cuban is the Alleged Leader of the FARC in Mexico", signed by one of its writers born in our country, states:
"A Cuban engineer living in Mexico was identified by intelligence authorities as the alleged leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) support group on Mexican territory.
"The intelligence report -quoted by the newspapers El Universal and The Wall Street Journal- indicates Mario Dagoberto Díaz Orgaz, 48 years old, to be the main suspect as organizer of the expedition of a group of Mexican students to a FARC camp in Ecuador, attacked by Colombian forces on March 1.
"Mexican agents say they photographed Díaz Orgaz in Quito on March 5th at 6:25 p.m., while he was prowling around the Military Hospital where Lucía Andrea Morett Álvarez, a survivor of the armed operation, was being held.
"The young woman, known as 'Alicia in the rebel ranks, had traveled from Mexico to Havana on January 10, and from there to Quito. Her return to Mexico was scheduled for Tuesday.
"The report on Díaz Orgaz also presents him as the financial operator of the FARC in Mexico..."
"The Cuban engineer had been found in Ecuador by Mexican intelligence services after surviving the military attack on the FARC camp.
"Last night, the El Nuevo Herald telephoned a close friend of his in the city of Queretaro, where Díaz Orgaz lives and works as a researcher in the Engineering and Industrial Development Center attached to the National Science and Technology Council of the Mexican government...
"In order to avoid being harassed by the press, Díaz Orgaz has been at a friends house since Monday.
"The source said that the Cuban engineer can prove that the trip to Ecuador attributed to him is false, since on the date that Mexican intelligence has him located in the vicinity of the Military Hospital in Quito, he was in the city of Villa Hermosa, capital of the state of Tabasco, with a group of colleagues from the Engineering and Industrial Development Center.
"Díaz Orgaz is originally from the town of Bejucal, in La Habana Province, where he was born on January 15, 1960. According to information in the hands of the Mexican federal government, Díaz Orgaz studied mechanical engineering at the Vladimir Polytechnical Institute, 112 miles from Moscow, and later he took several specialization courses in Metrology..."
"He would have played a key role in the financial support given to FARC supporters at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), one of the largest and most prestigious academic centers in Latin America..."
"Revelations in the case are coming up a few days prior to the visit of the Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa to Havana, motivated by a policy to resume relations between the two countries.
"Last February, the Colombian army had captured the Cuban doctor Emilio Muñoz Franco in Palmira, department of Valle del Cauca. This optometrist had been mentioned as a keystone in the FARC logistical support network.
"Muñoz Franco had taken Cuban medical students as trainees to the FARC camps between 2000 and 2001.
"The Colombian authorities consider that there is enough evidence to accuse him of being a foreigner associated with the guerrillas. His neighbors in Palmira claim that they have never seen him involved in anything shocking."
The stupid intent of mixing Cubans into the matter is very clear, besides the lie about the impossible presence of our students of Medicine in that faraway Colombian jungle. Whenever a Cuban engineer or doctor abandons his country it is someone who is walking away with the knowledge that our people have paid for with great sacrifice. Exactly on the 13th of this month, 177 members of the Medical Brigade and 35 teachers have returned after fulfilling their sacred mission in East Timor for two years.
I myself bid them farewell when they left.
In East Timor, where genocide was committed before independence, internal conflicts arose supported by Australia, a United States ally, who took over the natural gas fields in the proximity of the Timor coastline. Under no circumstances did the Cuban doctors abandon their patients who were all inhabitants of that small nation. The personnel replacing them have remained there. These are indeed Cuban doctors and graduates, of which there are thousands, the same ones which the empire tries to bribe away making unmentionable efforts, but to very little effect.
No other country in the western hemisphere or in the world has such wealth. Today we are training hundreds of young people from East Timor in our medical schools. The doctors who have just returned set an example of what conscience can do.
The quoted article from El Nuevo Herald is also a clear intent to justify the fact that among the victims there were young Mexicans who were meeting with Reyes, as a matter of curiosity or for whatever other reason, but they hadnt planted bombs nor did they deserve to be murdered by Yankee bombs while they were in their beds at dawn.
El Mercurio of Chile, under the title "Deserter Warns that the Leader of the FARC could be Assassinated", writes the following, in the words of Pedro Pablo Montoya, former FARC guerrilla:
"The guerrilla deserter who last week killed José Juvenal Velandia, a.k.a. 'Iván Ríos, member of the top FARC leadership, yesterday pointed out that the rebels in the middle and lower ranks might assassinate their leaders, among them the top leader of the Colombian guerrilla group Pedro Antonio Marín, alias 'Manuel Marulanda Vélez or 'Tirofijo (Sharpshot).
Pedro Pablo Montoya, a.k.a. 'Rojas, who since last Thursday is under Army protection after surrendering with two other FARC members after having assassinated 'Ríos, said in an interview to the Bogota paper El Tiempo that the non-ranking rebels are demoralized and without incentives due to the 'bad treatment they are receiving from the guerrilla leaders...!
"After killing his leader, 'Rojas chopped off the mans right hand and presented himself to the soldiers who had surrounded the rebel unit with the dead mans identification papers and his laptop computer.
"In statements to Radio Caracol, 'Rojas said that the FARC doesnt want to liberate former candidate Ingrid Betancourt. Not even for "the big guy" --they wouldnt free her for any reason. Doña Yolanda, mother of Ms. Betancourt, should know this..."
The rebel said that he is expecting to be paid a juicy bounty that was offered by the Colombian government, equivalent to 2.6 million dollars, in exchange for information about the insurgent commanders, while lawyers are debating whether or not he should receive the booty. Last night 'Rojas received backing, since the Attorney General of Colombia, Mario Iguarán, indicated that 'in principle, the Attorney Generals Office wouldn't press charges for the murder of Iván Ríos, and with that the way would be cleared for him to receive the bounty."
For its part, The Washington Post, a well-informed paper on the prevailing mood in Washington, last March 10th published an article titled "The FARCs Guardian Angel", signed by Jackson Diehl, where he points out:
"Latin American nations and the Bush administration are just beginning to consider a far more serious and potentially explosive question: What to do about the revelation that Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez forged a strategic alliance with the FARC aimed at Colombia's democratic government.
"...but in their totality, the hundreds of pages of documents so far made public by Colombia paint an even more chilling picture..."
"All this is laid out in a series of three e-mails sent in February to the FARCs top leaders by Iván Márquez and Rodrigo Granda, envoys who held a series of secret meetings with Chávez..."
"Assuming these documents are authentic -and its hard to believe that the cerebral and calculating Uribe would knowingly hand over forgeries to the world media and the Organization of American States- both the Bush administration and Latin American governments will have fateful decisions to make about Chávez. His reported actions are, first of all, a violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1373, passed on September 2001..."
The Washington Post starts from the premise that only Uribe could invent or deliver that document to the United States government and didnt even consider any other possibility for the complicated situation. However, it is known that since Thursday the 13th, Chávez called Uribe by phone and agreed with him to an exchange of visits between the two presidents and the normalization of trade exchange relations that so benefit both their peoples. Chavez, for his part, is not giving up on his search for peace between the brotherly peoples of Latin America.
More surprising is the very speech made by Bush on March 12th and the speedy dispatching of the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Brazil and Chile, a subject about which the wire agencies are writing reams and reams:
"BRASILIA, March 13, 2008 (AFP) - The U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and the Brazilian Racial Integration Minister, Edson Santos, signed an agreement this Thursday in Brasilia to launch a joint action plan 'for the elimination of racial discrimination.
"The text of the agreement emphasizes that Brazil and the United States share the characteristic of being 'multi-ethnic and multi-racial democratic societies."
I read and I re-read these words. I think it is the opposite of what is really happening in the United States, while I am choosing dispatches and I write. Its amazing!
I shall continue tomorrow.
Fidel Castro Ruz, March 15, 2008, 5:17 p.m.