Artists and Writers in Congress in Cuba
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- 03 / 24 / 2008

The active participation of Cuban artists and writers in tasks aimed at improving our socialist society, under the guidance of the Communist Party, was evident throughout the process leading up to the 7th Congress of the Cuban Association of Artists and Writers (UNEAC), set for April 1st through the 4th at Havanas Convention Center.
However, many of the problems set forth at those preparatory meetings have been solved already in the different provinces. The cultural institutions with the support of the Communist Party and the State began to provide answers to common concerns, regarding promotion and support for artistic projects and community programs.
During the congress, the Cuban writers and artists will discuss and debate proposals on how to improve the quality of artistic training, artistic promotion in the media, dialogue with young intellectuals, culture and the tourism sector, ways to project Cubas literary and artistic creation abroad and the economy of culture.
Regarding the economy of culture, TV producer Magda González Grau, said that during the congress, delegates will be informed of new regulations aimed at guaranteeing social security benefits to those artists who dont have a steady job, as well as others regarding royalties, in the case of writers, playwrights, radio and TV scriptwriters and filmmakers.
All this, she stressed, has been achieved thanks to the Culture Ministry and the governmental bodies involved in each case.
When asked how he views the upcoming congress, Barnet responded: "We will participate there full of optimism, but with our feet firmly planted on the ground." On the subject, National Literature laureate Graziella Pogolotti said: "We, Cuban artists are not just promoters of our works or Cuban culture, in general. We are also active participants in the process to build a socialist society here in Cuba and followers of the traditions and ethical values that have always characterized Cuban intellectuals throughout history."
Author of the book 'Biography of a Runaway Slave, Barnet began the press conference by remembering late Sergio Corrieri, who presided over the UNEAC congress organizing committee until just days before he died: "Sergio," he said, "was an example for his honesty, his stoicism and his love for our organization."
However, many of the problems set forth at those preparatory meetings have been solved already in the different provinces. The cultural institutions with the support of the Communist Party and the State began to provide answers to common concerns, regarding promotion and support for artistic projects and community programs.
During the congress, the Cuban writers and artists will discuss and debate proposals on how to improve the quality of artistic training, artistic promotion in the media, dialogue with young intellectuals, culture and the tourism sector, ways to project Cubas literary and artistic creation abroad and the economy of culture.
Regarding the economy of culture, TV producer Magda González Grau, said that during the congress, delegates will be informed of new regulations aimed at guaranteeing social security benefits to those artists who dont have a steady job, as well as others regarding royalties, in the case of writers, playwrights, radio and TV scriptwriters and filmmakers.
All this, she stressed, has been achieved thanks to the Culture Ministry and the governmental bodies involved in each case.
When asked how he views the upcoming congress, Barnet responded: "We will participate there full of optimism, but with our feet firmly planted on the ground." On the subject, National Literature laureate Graziella Pogolotti said: "We, Cuban artists are not just promoters of our works or Cuban culture, in general. We are also active participants in the process to build a socialist society here in Cuba and followers of the traditions and ethical values that have always characterized Cuban intellectuals throughout history."
Author of the book 'Biography of a Runaway Slave, Barnet began the press conference by remembering late Sergio Corrieri, who presided over the UNEAC congress organizing committee until just days before he died: "Sergio," he said, "was an example for his honesty, his stoicism and his love for our organization."