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1st Itinerant Cinema Festival of the Caribbean in France
A diplomatic source indicated Prensa Latina that the festival will start the 14 with the presentation of the Cuban movie Roble de olor and with the presence of Rigoberto Lopez, the director of the movie.

The event will be held at the main seat of UNESCO in this capital and will show movies from Aruba, Belice, Cuba, Granada, Haiti, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Saint-Kits y Nevis, San Vicente and the Granadines and Trinidad-Tobago

There will also be films from Antigua y Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Curacao, Dominica, Guadalupe, Guyana, Cayman Islands, Martinique, Montserrat, Santa Lucia and Surinam.

According to the source the festival is sponsored by the general direction for Culture of UNESCO and by the UN offices in Havana, Kingston and Port au Prince.


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