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Cinema present in the Cubadisco: Anthological movies from national cinematography
From this Wednesday onwards and until May 28, there were screened anthological movies from national cinematography such as Patakin (Quiere decir ¡fábula!) (Patakin (Means fable!), where characters represent mythic figures from Yoruba religion and Historia de un ballet (Suite Yoruba)(History of a ballet (Suite Yoruba).

The documentary maker Gloria Rolando, whose work has reflected those themes recurrently, will have its space in this cycle with Pasajes del corazón y la memoria (Passages from the heart to the memory), on the foundation of the Jacksonville community, in the Isla de la Juventud, by immigrants coming from the Cayman Islands.

There is also Nosotros y el jazz (Us and Jazz), an episode of the shared history between African Cubans and Adrican Americans, through a common culture.

There is also included, from the same producer Raíces de mi corazón (Roots of my heart), the history of a genocide committed in Cuba in 1912 against the members of the Color Independent party and Oggún, referred to the meaning of that saint -of war and peace, metals and civilization- in the famous singer Lázaro Ros.

There were exhibited documentaries nominated to Cubadisco 2008 as well as other ones recently produced. Among these: Soy garífuna; Miguel Barnet: una animal de sueños (Miguel Barnet: A dream animal), on the life of that Cuban writer, currently the president of the Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (Union of writers and artists from Cuba), as well as La ultima cena (The last dinner) one of the classics of our countries movies.

The program also presents the foreign movies: Amistad, by the American Steven Spielberg and De hombre a hombre (From man to man), in which an expedition travels to the unexplored Ecuatorial Africa in search of the origins of humanity.


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