Cuba Headlines

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Transportation Being Revitalized on Cubas Island of Youth
Trips by boat to and from Cuba’s special municipality of the Island of Youth resumed on Friday in the wake of hurricanes Gustav and Ike.

Luis Sires Pérez, the head of the Economic Sub-group of Transport of the Council of Municipal Defense, reported that as a priority, students from Bolivia, East Timor, Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela will be move transferred to the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana.

The Daewoo-Yutong vehicles will be used to transport students in special schools, polytechnic institutes, and secondary and pre-university studies.

Hurricane Gustav —a Category 4 storm on the Safir-Simpson scale— caused significant damage to those educational facilities, which was why they were evacuated on Wednesday, underlined Sires Pérez to the press.

Air and marine transport is also being activated to soon carry to the territory food, constructive materials and the equipment to address the damage caused by the storm that passed through the area breaking all records of air pressure and maximum gusts of wind.


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