Russia: Guest of Honor at International Book Fair Havana 2010
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- 02 / 21 / 2009

In his statements to participants at the gathering, Riabkov expressed his happiness for being in Cuba and extended his gratefulness for the initiative, which-- he said--materializes a reencounter between the two nations.
The Russian government official noted that traditional brotherhood relations between the Russian and the Cuban people have not been lost and he committed himself to make a worthy contribution to bilateral efforts, while he pointed out that he learnt a lot from the Chilean experience in this year´s fair.
Meanwhile, Abel Prieto stressed the bonds linking both countries and recalled the long-standing bilateral relations over the past decades, as well as the importance of this event expressing the international daily work in the social and cultural fields.
Even before this current event wraps up, preparations for the next fair are underway, and on that occasion Russia will be represented by a large delegation made up of government officials, artists in the fields of music, visual arts, cinema and literature in particularly.