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Series of Conferences on 50th Anniversary of Cubas Film Institute
To mark the date, the ICAIC is organizing a series of conferences, aimed at reflecting on the development of Cuban film over the past 50 years of Revolution. The series of conferences proposes a multidisciplinary assessment of Cuban film that goes beyond its artistic value and emphasizes its cultural importance, perfectly in line with the island’s revolutionary process.

The series of conferences will be held from March 4th through May 6th at the Centro Cultural Cinematográfico ICAIC (4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.). ICAIC invites those interested in debating aspects of Cuban film and its impact on the island’s cultural life.

For organizational purposes only, those interested should send their personal details (full name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, education and occupation) via e-mail to: [email protected].


March 4th
‘Cine y Revolution’ (Film and Revolution)
Lecturer: Manuel Pérez Paredes (Filmmaker, ICAIC Founder).

March 11th
‘Medio siglo de autoconciencia: el cine cubano que se piensa a sí mismo. Narrativa, estructura, voces: el relato fílmico cubano en cincuenta años.’ (Fifty Years of National Consciousness: An inside look at Cuban Film. Narrative Techniques, Structure, Voices: The 50 year-long History of Cuban Film)
Lecturer: Rufo Caballero (Essayist).

March 18th
‘Despegue, ruptura, meseta, discordancia y reciclaje: El movimiento cubano de cine documental’ (Cuban Movement of Documentary Film)
Lecturer: Jorge Luis Sánchez (Filmmaker).

March 25th
‘Mirar los muñes. Un acercamiento crítico a los animados producidos por el ICAIC.’ (Watching Cartoons: Critical Analysis of Animated Films Produced by ICAIC)
Lecturer: Mario Masvidal (Professor and Researcher).

April 1st
‘Cine de mujeres en Cuba. ¿Atisbos de un contracine?’ (Women’s Film in Cuba)
Lecturer: Danae C. Diéguez (Professor and Researcher).

April 8th
‘Definirse en la polémica. Polémicas y debates de cine.’ (Defining Positions: Controversies and Film debates)
Lecturer: Sandra del Valle (Researcher).

April 15th
‘Los noventa. Mis diálogos con Nicolás Azcarate’ (The 1990s. Talking to Nicolás Azcarate)
Arturo Sotto (Filmmaker).

April 22nd
‘Caminos del audiovisual cubano contemporáneo: ficción, documental y video arte’. (Paths of Cuban contemporary audiovisual: Fiction and documentary film and art video)
Víctor Fowler (Essayist).

April 29th
‘Aproximación a la dinámica del joven cine cubano: emergencia y autonomía’ (Dynamic of Cuban Film: Emergence and Autonomy).
Joel del Río (Critic and researcher).

May 6th
‘Los destinos posibles’ (Possible Destinies)
Omar González (ICAIC President).


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