New Lab Test Introduced in Eastern Province of Cuba
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- Caribbean
- Destinations
- Education
- Holguín
- national
- Business and Economy
- Health and Medicine
- Science and Technology
- 03 / 09 / 2009
According to Lozano, the test helps to know the origin of certain complications diagnosed by medical consultations and not detected by conventional tests of blood glucose.
He added that this is a very complex process in the area of laboratory equipment and reagents, which is very accurate and useful for effective metabolic control of diabetes.
“The normal value of concentration of glucose in red blood cells must not exceed eight per cent or else the patient is decompensated”, he said.
The Lucia Iñiguez surgical hospital in Holguin is the fourth institution in Cuba to introduce this technique, preceded by the Institute of Endocrinology, the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital in Havana and the Saturnino Lora hospital, in Santiago de Cuba.
Dr Lozano said that 120 of such lab tests were performed last year with unit cost of around 55 convertibles pesos.