Health Bureau Helps Cuba Provinces
- Submitted by: admin
- Local
- Santiago de Cuba
- Health and Medicine
- Science and Technology
- 04 / 12 / 2009
The Regulatory Bureau for the Protection of Health (BRPS) in Santiago de Cuba is installed in 14 districts to improve health levels of the population.
Doctor Rafael Perez, director of the institution of the Public Health Ministry reported that since 1996 this surveillance system has been operational in the Cuban capital and will achieve greater efficiency with its extension to other territories.
He explained that the BRPS coordinates work of the National Centers of Control of Medicines, Medical Equipment and Development of Pharmacological epidemiology, to counter health risks and damages in the health services and products.
Perez emphasized the importance of the Bureau in this province where the second scientific region functions in the country with a notable rise of production of medicines, diagnostic means and medical equipment, together with numerous clinical trials.
He also added that the city has an important international airport and one of the main sea terminals as well as an industrial infrastructure that requires a strict monitoring of health emergencies.
The BRPS is housed in the Center of Toxicology and Biomedicine, one of the institutions of the scientific region of Santiago whose research and services cover eastern Cuba.
(Prensa Latina)