Ecumenical service versus slavery in Havana movie event
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- 12 / 06 / 2009

In the mass there will also be Jews and followers of religions with an African origin that have undergone a process of trans-culture in our country, in a common prayer for the end of this disaster, “an open wound on this century that marks the
start of the third millennium of history,” as was defined by the president of the festival, Alfredo Guevara.
The announcement was made by the founder of the Cuban Movie Institute (ICAIC Spanish acronym) in a recent dialogue with the press.He began the bases of a movie industry that imposed during the 1960s its new signature in the world.
The Havana movie event aims, on this occasion, to reflect around slavery, a union centered on the old and new ways to express that phenomenon.
In the world there are today 22 million people who are slaves, among them 2 million children, 200 thousand of them are victims of prostitution, he added.
The prayer in the Cathedral “will be like an answer of faith and hope, from that ecumenism of races, ideas, religions and uses that give colour and real body to our country,” expressed Alfredo Guevara.
Source: PL and Cubarte