Cuba replacing medical imports
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- national
- Santiago de Cuba
- Science and Technology
- Society
- Business and Economy
- Health and Medicine
- Personalities
- 01 / 18 / 2010

This production helps diagnostics and increases the health cover in the more than one hundred and fifty health institutions in Las Tunas, Guantánamo, Granma, Holguín and Santiago de Cuba.
Dr. Elio Cisneros, LABEX laboratory director, confirmed that this will substitute 35% of the imports by the Public Health Ministry for buying testing pharmaceuticals to classify the blood types and compatibility of patients that need transplants or need a blood transfusion.
The first batch of reagents is being completed now and they are working on obtaining more than four million doses, which are essential for the haematological classification of the patients admitted into the hospitals of the region.
The medicaments are vacuum-packed in 5 millilitre vials, whose cost on the international market can reach ten dollars per unit.
Here they produce all the types of Coombs serums which are necessary for the Mother and Child Care Program for fetus diagnosis, antibodies production, studies for Haemolytic anaemia and complete monitoring of other pathologies that considerably harm newborn babies and influence the infant mortality rate.
LABEX— Centre inaugurated in 1993 by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz and a part of The Molecular Immunology Centre produces and delivers part of the lymphocyte markers used by the Health System for the treatment of patients that suffer HVI-AIDS, and other diseases that are considered among the main causes of death in Cuba