Carmen the happiest mother in the world
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- 02 / 07 / 2010

A 22-meter height black doll, named Leonor, which has been exhibited in the centrally situated Plaza de los Trabajadores (Workers' Square) of the city of Camaguey since Wednesday, causes a singular attraction among locals and tourists.
Nine meters higher than the previous record holder, the Camagueyan doll breaks the record of what was considered the world's tallest doll (13 meters high), exhibited in the Argentinean city of Cordova, in 2005.
Dressed in the colors of the Cuban flag and showing a beautiful smile in its face, Leonor captivates the passers-by and stimulates the imagination of Camagueyan children, who do not hide their astonishment before such a wonderful toy.
Surrounded by dozens of persons eager for knowing about her work, craftswoman Carmen Hernández Soto, confesses to be satisfied for having materialized such big dream.
Dream that is also her greatest creation and is dedicated not only to the children of Camagüey and of Cuba, but to all the little ones around the world.
“It was a hard work, nevertheless I had the happiness of sharing my dream with other "muñequeras" - persons who devote themselves to make dolls - and since now it is a fact, I can say that I feel pleased and satisfied and I am the happiest mom of the world”, noted Carmen.
“In this doll I have deposited all my dreams and hopes. I see Leonor as my dear girl and likewise I want that everyone appreciates it like a sweet girl who will always accompany them”, she added.
Recipient of the National Award of the Association of Craftsmen and Artists of Cuba (ACAA) in the year 2008, Camagueyan Carmen Hernández Soto, received also the recognition 496th Anniversary of the City of Santa Maria del Puerto del Principe, an
award that is granted to persons and institutions that stand out for their major contributions to the culture in this Cuban territory.
The world's biggest black doll is being exhibited in the centrally situated Camagueyan square and afterward, it will keep on showing its smile to those who visits the House of the Dolls of the so-called Carsueños Project, at Nicolás Guillén square, situated in one of the oldest part of Camaguey's historic urban center.