Teatro Principal celebrates its 160 anniversary in Camaguey City
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- Camagüey
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- 02 / 07 / 2010

The exhibition is part of the cultural activities scheduled in the framework of the 496th anniversary of the foundation of the former village of Santa Maria del Puerto del Principe, currently known as Camagüey.
The works exhibited in the coliseum, show pictures of colonial Camagüey, on aged pieces of wood, in which the artist made a meticulous work, and chose the oil as a pictorial element.
The exhibition shows Camagueyan constructions dating from olden times, especially from 18th and 19thth centuries, and some of the pictures were part of the series Herencia Infinita inspired in the architecture of the old village Puerto Principe.
As curious element of the exhibition one of the pictures was made on the wood used during the first construction of the theater, in 1850.
The main paintings of artist Enrique Murga Ríos have sepia and clair-obscure tones , which call the attention of the visitors; he uses wood and metal in his art.
Source: www.cadenagramonte.cu/