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Ecuadorian Foreign Affairs Minister Ricardo Patiño highlighted the resolution approved in the Summit of Unity in Cancun, Mexico on the need to finish the US economic, commercial and financial blockade on Cuba immediately.

In his statements Thursday before the press, Patiño said that is a demand from the 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries to the US government, for giving a fulfilment to successive resolutions on the topic in the United Nations.

Uninterruptedly since 1992, the UN has approved the favourable vote of almost all its members condemning the US economic blockade against Cuba.

During a balance to the recently concluded Summit of Unity, Patiño announced Ecuador will contribute to the South American fund for the reconstruction of Haiti with 4 million dollars.

The fund is reaching 100 million right now, and 50 percent of the Ecuadorian has already been transferred to Haiti.

Patiño also announced the creation of a commission of three officials for each one of the 12 member countries of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to make the support concrete.

This commission will meet on March 1st and the UNASUR Ministers of Finance and Economy will meet the president of the Inter American Development Bank on March 2nd in Washington for defining a regional credit for 200 million dollars to help Haiti.

Source: Prensa Latina

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