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Palma real
About fifty three thousand Royal Palm postures were planted in 2009 in Camagüey Province as part of a program to recover Royal Palm forests.

Several institutions related to agriculture, cattle-raising and wood sectors contributed to plant twenty seven thousand palm trees in the zones where hurricanes Ike and Paloma stroke.

“The plan adds some other 40 thousand trees this year and implies the recognition of the utility of that tree, king of Cuban country side”, asserted Nelson Figueroa, Head of the State Wood Service in the territory.

It is undeniable the contribution of the Royal Palm tree to Cuban landscape; on top of that, its flowers contain honey and it also works as a natural lightning rod because of its size and the straightness of its stem.

Cuba lost 285 thousand palm trees two years ago and the present reforestation program comprises accumulating seeds, preparing nurseries and planting.

Most of the trees of this kind brought down by hurricanes in Camagüey were used to repair and build houses; like in Cooperative Farm Jesús Suárez where 700 were brought down but their wood was used to build new houses for the farmers.

Natural regeneration is been closely followed by agrarian experts.

The planting of the postures is done when they reach 40 centimeters high, the ideal measure for their survival and growing.

As a way to preserve and encourage the existence of the Royal Palm tree, national heritage, postures are also sold at city market.

Source: Adelante Online

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