Luanda  - The Cuban government wants to strenghten its cooperation for Angola's reconstruction and development, the Cuban communist party politburo member, Leopoldo de Cintra Frias, said today. "> Luanda  - The Cuban government wants to strenghten its cooperation for Angola's reconstruction and development, the Cuban communist party politburo member, Leopoldo de Cintra Frias, said today. ">

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Luanda  - The Cuban government wants to strenghten its cooperation for Angola's reconstruction and development, the Cuban communist party politburo member, Leopoldo de Cintra Frias, said today.

Cintra Frias, who attended Thursday the funerals rites of the late angolan angolan nationalist and secretary for external relations of Angola's ruling MPLA party, Paulo Jorge, stated that Cuba wants to contribute in several domains within the strenghtening of  bilateral cooperation.

He recalled that cuban cooperation with Angola dates back to the eve of the country's national independence, on November 11, 1975, previously in the military, until 1989, and later in civilian domains.

In the civilian domain, Cintra Frias stressed education with the presence in Angola of thousands of cuban teachers during the first years of independence and the training in Cuba of some 18,000 angolans in different specialities.

He said that at today's meeting with the angolan head of state, Jose Eduardo dos Santos, he reaffirmed the willingness of his country to strenghten cooperation with Angola in health, education and civil construction domains.

Former cuban ambassador to Angola for 11 years, Cintra Frias considered that the country has reported significant progress after the achievement of peace as the government has heavily invested in the relaunching of the economy and in the improvement of people welfare.  


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