Nov. 19-29: Educator's Delegation - Cuba Labor Seminar
- Submitted by: manso
- Travel and Tourism
- 10 / 07 / 2010
Subject: EDUCATORS DELEGATION - Cuba Labor Seminar to Cuba November 19 to November 29, 2010. US/Cuba Labor Exchange Seminar to Cuba, Educators program, November 19 to November 29, 2010 US/Cuba Labor Exchange
P.O. Box 39188 Redford, MI 48239 Phone/Fax: (313) 575 4933 E-mail: [email protected]://
Join the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange to participate in the Educators program -Cuban Labor Seminar to Cuba
Friday November 19 to Monday November 29, 2010 $1,650, Cuba Labor Seminar-United for a New America, Uniting America's Working Class and Increasing its Influence.
71 Anniversary of the CTC Central Workers of Cuba, 51 Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution
This delegation will be in Havana, Cuba from Friday November 19 to Monday November 29, 2010 Our hosts will be the CTC -Confederation of Cuban Workers. We will visit hospitals, schools, and worker centers. Childcare centers in the program "Educate your Child." Schools of basic primary and secondary education. Schools for special education.Pedagogical institute Technological/official school, Meeting with the Secretary of the Education Union, Visit to the Museum of Literacy, Meeting with the CTC
The price of the trip will include: round trip airfare (from Cancun, Mexico to Havana, Cuba to Cancun, Mexico) hotel (double occupancy),Single-rooms are available at an additional cost. 2 meals per day (breakfast and dinner),internal transportation to and from the program, translation, visas and the program. The price of $1,650 is good until the end of September, The price may increase for any application made after that date.
A group of trade unionists and workers are exercising their constitutional right to travel to Cuba, to gather educational information and to have an exchange of ideas with other workers of the world. These rights are guaranteed by the US Constitution and by the International Human Rights declaration of the United Nations.
" has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." Rev. Martin Luther King Jr."
"Of all the civil rights for which the world has struggled and fought for 5,000 years, the right to learn is undoubtedly the most fundamental. The freedom to learn has been bought by bitter sacrifice. And whatever we may think of the curtailment of other civil rights, we should fight to the last ditch to keep open the right to learn." - W.E.B. DuBois, "The Freedom to Learn." (1949)
All questions MUST be completed. PLEASE PRINT neatly and/or type. The original application must be submitted, with a copy of your passport attached and $300 deposit made payable to the Labor Exchange. All information will be kept confidential
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How/from whom did you learn about the U.S./Cuba Labor Exchange
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Please mail your application to:
US/Cuba Labor Exchange
P.O. Box 39188
Redford, MI 48239
Phone/Fax:(313) 575 4933