Las Terrazas Movie Sample: Tourism and Environment
- Submitted by: manso
- Arts and Culture
- 10 / 12 / 2010

An important program of films about environment, climatic change and sustainable tourism is the center of Las Terrazas Movie Sample which will take place from October 14th to 17th in Complejo Las Terrazas, model of a new culture in the relation of human beings with Nature, and of a harmonic tourist development with the environment.
The cinema has become a powerful witness of the big environmental problems and terrible effects of the climatic change that are affecting the planet. Camera´s lens move us to distant glaciers threatened by thaw, to the depth of polluted seas, to the soils cracked by the drought or flooded by the rain or the rising of the sea level.
The cinema brings us closer to the Nature´s wounds, to the catastrophe minimized by the powers which make profits with the planet or by whom underestimate the alarms considered excessive or apocalyptic.
The cinema also digs up in the causes of the environment destruction, and takes part in the defense of the Earth´s rights, essential to defend the most elemental human rights. The defense of the culture of life versus the culture of death.
The defense of a new type of relationship between the human being and the environment. The seductive capacity of the cinema is an effective tool to raise awareness, to convince, and to teach the audience. It becomes an even more appropriate effectiveness when the observers are in their early ages.
The Complejo Las Terrazas is the perfect place to do this Movie Sample dedicated to tourism and environment. In 1985, it was declared Biosphere Reserve by the way in which Nature and human action is integrated in uses and practices compatible with the sustainable development; due to its rural economy and responsible tourism projects, which guarantee not to cause significant damages to the ecosystem, and that the archeological, artistic and cultural heritage should be respected.
Besides the movie program for adults and children, the Movie Sample also organizes seminars and an environmental education workshop for children in an essential context for the production of a documentary that will spread even more the knowledge about achievements in this Sierra del Rosario natural enclave, which is patiently and jealously conserved by its inhabitants. A group of famous specialists will join the debate, the exchange of knowledge about the climatic change, culture and environment along with the people of the community located in las Terrazas.
In 1992, Commander in chief, Fidel Castro, shock the world with his prophetic words in the Cumbre de Rio: "An important biological specie is in danger of disappearing due to the fast and progressive liquidation of its natural living conditions: man. Now we are becoming aware of this problem when it´s almost too late to avoid it". Thirty years after, the seriousness of the situation remains. From the cinema we join this decisive battle.
Cubarte Translation Staff