Cuban University Welcomes New Foreign Students
- Submitted by: manso
- Arts and Culture
- 10 / 14 / 2010
Martes, 12 de octubre de 2010. 16:55Santiago de Cuba, Oct 12 (Prensa Latina) The Universidad de Oriente welcomed on Tuesday 34 new foreign students who will take university courses as part of Cuba''s cooperation with other countries in higher ducation.
With the students admitted this course, there are a total of 239 foreign students from 41 nations in this University that has formed in 65 years thousands of professionals from the five continents.
The Vice Presidency in charge of students from other countries takes into account the historical and cultural particularities and idiosyncrasies of the countries and promotes the care of those roots of identity in the dormitories.
The Universidad de Oriente, considered the matrix of the university education in eastern Cuba, takes for the second time students entering the twelfth grade, also from the provinces of Guantanamo, Granma and Las Tunas, to strengthen their vocational training.
The accreditation of courses is a current priority when new specialties were added to the certification process developed by the Ministry of Higher Education in achieving international endorsement of such studies.
At its campuses Antonio Maceo, Julio Antonio Mella and Frank País, the Universidad de Oriente trains about 24,000 students in 35 careers at its 11 faculties and in the courses offered in daytime, distance learning and for courses for workers.
sus/as/ycf/mcModificado el ( martes, 12 de octubre de 2010 )
By: Yoama Chappottin Ford