Daiquiri - Irrigation Solenoid Valves Manufacturer - China 24v Dc Solenoid Valve
- Submitted by: manso
- Business and Economy
- 04 / 03 / 2011

By: uyuykm. The name Daiquir is also the name of a beach near Santiago, Cuba, and an iron mine in that area, and it is a word of Tano origin. The cocktail was supposedly invented about 1800 in a bar named Venus in Santiago, about 23 miles east of the mine, by a group of American mining engineers.
Among the engineers present were Jennings Cox, General Manager of the Spanish American Iron Co., J. Francis Linthicum, C. Manning Combs, George W. Pfeiffer, De Berneire Whitaker, C. Merritt Holmes and Proctor O. Persing. Although stories persist that Cox invented the drink when he ran out of gin while entertaining American guests, the drink evolved naturally due to the prevalence of lime and sugar.
Originally the drink was served in a tall glass packed with cracked ice. A teaspoon of sugar was poured over the ice and the juice of one or two limes was squeezed over the sugar. Two or three ounces of rum completed the mixture. The glass was then frosted by stirring with a long-handled spoon. Later the Daiquir evolved to be mixed in a shaker with the same ingredients but with shaved ice.
After a thorough shaking, it was poured into a chilled flute glass. An article in the March 14, 1937 edition of the Miami Herald as well as private correspondence of J.F. Linthicum confirm the recipe and early history.[citation needed]
Consumption of the drink remained localized until 1909, when Admiral Lucius W. Johnson, a U.S. Navy medical officer, tried Cox's drink. Johnson subsequently introduced it to the Army and Navy Club in Washington, D.C., and drinkers of the daiquir increased over the space of a few decades. The daiquir was one of the favorite drinks of writer Ernest Hemingway and president John F. Kennedy.
The drink became popular in the 1940s.[citation needed] Wartime rationing made whiskey, vodka, etc, hard to come by, yet because of Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy (which opened up trade and travel relations with Latin America, Cuba and the Caribbean), rum was easily obtainable.
The Good Neighbor Policy (also known as 'The Pan-American program'), helped make Latin America seem fashionable. As a consequence, rum-based drinks (once frowned upon as being the domain of sailors and down-and-outs), also became fashionable, and the Daiquir saw a tremendous rise in popularity in the US.
The basic recipe for a Daiquir is also similar to the grog British sailors drank aboard ship from the 1740s onwards. By 1795 the Royal Navy daily grog ration contained rum, water, ounce of lemon or lime juice, and 2 ounces of sugar. This was a common drink across the Caribbean, and as soon as ice became available this was included instead of the water. Jennings Cox's story is certainly a popular one and maybe he was responsible for the naming of the drink, but as far as creating it he was about 150 years late.
Daiquir Floridita with maraschino liqueur, created by Constantino Ribalaigua Vert at El Floridita.[citation needed] Hemingway Daiquir, or Papa Doble two and a half jiggers of Bacardi White Label, juice of two limes and half a grapefruit, six drops of maraschino liqueur, served frozen.
Frozen daiquir
A wide variety of alcoholic mixed drinks made with finely pulverized ice are often called frozen daiquiris. These drinks can also be combined and poured into a blender eliminating the need for manual pulverization. Such drinks are often commercially made in machines which produce a texture similar to a smoothie, and come in a wide variety of flavors made with various alcohol or liquors. Another way to create a frozen daiquiri (mostly fruit-flavored variants) is by using frozen limeade, providing the required texture, sweetness and sourness all at once.
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