Cuba Hits Out At Failure To Reconstruct Haiti
- Submitted by: manso
- International
- 04 / 07 / 2011

HAVANA, April 7 (BERNAMA-NNN-PRENSA LATINA) -- Cuba has criticised the failure by certain countries to meet their commitments for the reconstruction of Haiti.
Speaking in the United Nations yesterday, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez reiterated its willingness to work with any country or organisation for the development of the Haitian Health System.
Rodriguez said that the amounts of financial and material aid promised have not been delivered, just as the will of the Haitian government has been disrespected and their priorities unattended.
"Haiti's reconstruction, which we are all committed, is a work in progress", said Rodriguez, speaking at a special meeting of the UN Security Council devoted to Haiti.
He recalled that a year ago, more than 150 governments and other international organisations promised US$9 billioN of which US$5 billion would be paid out in the first two years.
"But what happened since then has not been consistent with the spirit that prevailed at that conference and many of the self-proclaimed major donors continue to devote exorbitant resources to war and military intervention", said Bruno.
He said that after the earthquake, Haiti seemed to be "shattered by the most powerful nations that distributed their aid in an arbitrary and arrogant way with their voracious companies and some of their richest NGOs".
He said that the channeling of funds and resources away from the Haitian programmes and control still prevails, which leads to waste, corruption and the satisfaction of marginal or selective interests.
"Cuban help has been focused on the area it may achieve the greatest positive impact: public health, a key element in Haitian sustainability and social stability", he said.
He highlighted the close coordination with the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our Americas (ALBA) and the work done under the direction and priorities of the Haitian government.
Bruno also highlighted the importance of the resources provided by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the joint efforts with Brazil developed through a tripartite agreement with Haiti.
He also mentioned the support of other countries in the implementation of the health programme such as Namibia, Norway, South Africa, Australia and Spain, which have donated along with groups of individuals, more than US$3.5 billion.
"What Haiti needs is substantial and selfless help, strictly coordinated with the government, that contributes to its development and to overcome the difficulties and socio-economic disparities that affect the country, impeding the stability and progress of its people", he added.
The Cuban minister said that Haiti does not require an occupying force, nor to become a UN protectorate, whose role is to support the Haitian government and people to consolidate their sovereignty and self determination.
He said the UN Mission Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) has no political prerogative to interfere in internal affairs which was the responsibility of the Haitians.
Meanwhile former United States President William Clinton yesterday highlighted the importance of Cuban collaboration with Haiti devastated by the earthquake of Jan last year.
The recognition was conveyed to Foreign Minister Rodriguez by Colombia's Juan Manuel Santos during the meeting of the UN Security Council on Haitian reconstruction.
"Clinton entrusted me with expressing his appreciation to Cuba for its work in Haiti", Santos said after the Cuban minister concluded his speech before the Security Council meeting.
The former U.S president, who attended the first part of the meeting is also the U.N special envoy to Haiti.
The cooperation programme launched by Cuba in Haiti has currently 1,117 health workers, including 923 Cubans and 201 from other countries who graduated in Cuba including Haitians.