Cuban Vets Turn to All-natural Drugs
- Submitted by: manso
- Society
- 04 / 13 / 2011

2011.04.12 - 14:42:01 / International Veterinarian Congress SANTA CLARA, CUBA.- Veterinarians in central Villa Clara province have turned to medicines made out of plants to replace imports bought with hard currency.
Veterinarian Scientific Society president Kolia Monteagudo told ACN news agency that they are also using homeopathic drugs to treat sick animals. He said these two methods were previously subjected to extensive trials with outstanding results in the area.
Among the diseases they are treating using these new drugs are porcine diarrhea, intestinal parasites, eradication of mites and also to stimulate heat in females, Monteagudo added.
He said that they are working along scientist from the Marta Abreu University and research centers, with good results that make of this province a leader in the country in this field.
Some of the Villa Clara vets are participating in the International Veterinarian Congress underway in Havana city, where they will present the results of their researches and field work.
Prevention of the porcine diarrheic syndrome through homeopathic prophylaxis, a research paper by university professor Mario Cuesta is one of the 73 papers the province will take to this Congress.
According to Cuevas work, this new treatment can contribute to great savings for the country, while reducing to the minimum the occurrence of deaths in newly born pigs.
Another delegate, doctor Alfredo Sardiñas, said he uses these methods regularly to improve appetite in puppies, vitamin deficiency in birds and other diseases.ACN