World Metrology Experts to Meet in Havana in May
- Submitted by: manso
- International
- 04 / 14 / 2011

2011.04.12 - 20:45:36 / Havana, Cuba. -Havana’s Convention Center will host the 8th edition of the International Symposium on Metrology, from May 18th through the 20th.
Convened by the National Normalization Office, the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, and the Metrology Research Institute, the event will favor exchanges of experiences between experts and professionals related to this specialty.
During the symposium, participants will tackle issues such as metrology techniques and their application in the fields of energy and fuel, the environment, health, industry, nuclear techniques and education.
Two international courses will be given prior to the meeting, on May 16 and 17, on general metrology and the measurements of volumes and flows.
The meeting will include plenary sessions and work in commissions, in addition to keynote lectures and panels for debates, among others.
Engineer Miguel Perez, secretary of the organizing committee, told ACN that, so far, representatives from Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain, Byelorussia and Slovenia have confirmed their attendance.(ACN)