52% vs. 33% - Renew U.S.-Cuba Ties
- Submitted by: manso
- Politics and Government
- 04 / 15 / 2011

Thu Apr 14, 1:00 am ET. By a margin of 52% to 33%, Americans think that the United States should re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba, according to a 2009 Pew Research poll. Relations, including a successively tight embargo on trade, were cut off half a century ago following the revolution that propelled Fidel Castro’s government to power.
A third oppose re-establishing ties with Cuba. Gallup surveys in recent years showed somewhat more support for renewing diplomatic relations with Cuba (61% in 2008, 67% in 2006). About twice as many liberal Democrats as conservative Republicans favor re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba (73% vs. 36%). About half of conservative and moderate Democrats (54%), independents (53%) and moderate and liberal Republicans (50%) say the United States should restore ties with Cuba. A plurality of Republicans (46%) and a majority of conservative Republicans (53%) oppose re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba.
Renew U.S.-Cuba Ties
College graduates favor re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba by a wide margin (63% to 24%); those with some college education have similar views about this proposal (61% favor, 25% oppose). By contrast, those with no more than a high school education are evenly divided -- 41% say the United States should renew ties with Cuba while 42% oppose this step.
About twice many liberal Democrats as conservative Republicans favor re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba (73% vs. 36%). About half of conservative and moderate Democrats (54%), independents (53%) and moderate and liberal Republicans (50%) say the United States should restore ties with Cuba.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/pew/20110414/ts_pew/52vs33renewuscubaties_1