NRI candidate promises Cuba model for UK town
- Submitted by: manso
- International
- 04 / 16 / 2011

Fri Apr 15 2011, 15:06 hrs London.Amidst major funding cuts, an Indian origin candidate for the May 5 mayoral election in Leicester has gone against the grain and has promised voters that he would resist cuts and instead run the city on the lines of communist Cuba, if elected.
Mohinder Farma, who migrated to Leicester from India in 1963, says that Cuba should be the multicultural city's inspiration.
He is a candidate for the Unity for Peace and Socialism, an umbrella group of communists, socialists and workers' candidates.
Farma is among 11 candidates for the mayor's post, which is the first time it will be directly elected.
Two more Asians are contesting, as independents: Nima Patel and Muhamid Pathan.
Farma told Leicester Mercury, a leading local daily: "If elected, I will run the city on true socialist values. No service would be cut on my watch and instead I'd increase public spending on services in Leicester."
He added: "I want Leicester to be the greenest city in the country, standing as an example to others.
I am contesting this election to show that there is clear left-wing alternative to policies of public sector cuts and privatisation.
If we are united we can resist the ruling-class agenda."
A former manager in Royal Mail, Farma retired in 1999 and remained active in the trade union movement, representing workers across the city.
He said education would be his priority and condemned the David Cameron government's plans to allow universities to charge up to 9,000 pounds a year for tuition fees.
He said: "As mayor, I would make sure that the council paid money to some of the poorest young people so that they would still be able to get a university education despite the high costs."
Farma added: "The mayor of Leicester will have a budget and be highly influential. These powers would be used to resist the cuts. I'd cancel all of Labour's cuts for the coming year."
"The mayor will have enormous powers and responsibilities. They certainly don't have to accept every diktat from the central government to cut or privatise our services. They have a choice to oppose."