“Old Havana, City in Motion” Meeting
- Submitted by: manso
- Arts and Culture
- 04 / 18 / 2011

cubasi.cu | 17 de Abril 2011. Streets, house-museums, squares and the most unknown corners in Old Havana host again five days with the most contemporary dance movement during the 16th International Dance Festival in Urban Landscapes: "Old Havana: City in Motion”.
"Old Havana: City in Motion” running from April 13 to 17 with the attendance of some 22 foreign groups and choreographers from about 15 countries and 35 national groups from 8 provinces of the country. This Festival, turned into a meeting of the arts overall because of their intermingling with other artistic expressions proposes every morning lectures, master classes and workshops, and announces passacaglias and presentations by guest artists, whereas every night will close at El Jardín “Las Carolinas” (Las Carolinas Garden), headquarters of the Danza-Teatro Retazos (Retazos Dance Theater).
Among the foreign guests stands out a broad representation from Mexico with seven companies. The event also features the presence of dancers from Spain, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, United Status, Costa Rica, Italy, El Salvador and France. For its part, Cuba will show the art from renowned groups such as El Folklorico de Camagüey, which celebrates this 2011 its 20 years of creation, Danza Espiral (Matanzas), Danza del Alma (Villa Clara), Endedans (Camagüey), Danza Libre and Danza Fragmentada (both from Guantanamo), among others.
This party, which gathers very diverse styles and tendencies of contemporary dance, will run in such spaces as Arms Square, the Saint Francis of Assisi Square and the Old Square; parks such as Rumiñahui, Simon Bolivar and Las Carolinas; the Oswaldo Guayasamin, Benito Juarez, and Simon Bolivar museum-houses, Casa de Africa (the House of Africa), Casa de la Poesia (the House of Poetry), Factoria Habana (Havana Factory) and Genesis Galerias de Arte (Art Galleries Genesis). For their part, streets like Mercaderes, Oficios, Amargura and Obrapía will host passacaglias and other presentations too.
Special moments of the Festival will include the opening, on April 13, at 9:00 pm, at the Plaza de Armas, with the premiere of piece “Destinos”, by Isabel Bustos, director of both Danza-Teatro Retazos and the Festival; the passacaglia on Friday 15, from 2:00 pm when Dance in Urban Landscapes will intermingle with the participants of the Celtic Music and Traditions Festival. On Sunday 17 in the morning, there will be a children’s programming.
These days will also see the inauguration of four exhibitions on Wednesday, April 13, starting at 4:00 pm and they are “Ambito Veintiunonce”, group exhibition by Cuban photographers –Simon Bolivar House and Oswaldo Guayasamín House; “Concatenaciones”, by Rocio Garcia –Carmen Montilla House; “David Rodriguez La Rosa, fotografía intervenida” –House of Poetry; and “Habanaesencias II” (mixed technique) by Isabel Santos and Jose E. Yanes –Sociedad Patrimonio, Comunidad y Medio Ambiente. Part of these exhibits form part of the second Latin American photographic events that join the Festival too and will take place from April 12-17, at Old Havana’s Historic Center.
"Old Havana: City in Motion” brings the spectator closer to a combination of artistic manifestations inspired by the history, the architecture and the design of the Historic Center of the Cuban capital, declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Every representation of the meeting, held since 1996, constitutes a creative dialogue starting from Havana’s architecture. These festivals are organized by Retazos Dance Theater Company, directed by choreographer Isabel Bustos, along with the City Historian’s Office, in collaboration with the Centro de Teatro de La Habana (Theater Center of Havana).
Since 1999, the International Dance Festival in Urban Landscapes: "Old Havana: City in Motion” is included in the international circuit Dancing Cities, world network created in Barcelona in 1992.
Throughout these days, dance, universal language that accompanies man since his origins, will reign in Old Havana again. The Festival will constitute a suitable moment for the mutual enrichment among creators from dissimilar tendencies, to bring this manifestation of the scenic arts closer to a diverse public and to reassess both the architectural heritage of the city and its historic and cultural memory.
Source: www.cubarte-english.cult.cu/paginas/actualidad/noticia.php?id=17999