Cuban Vice President Evaluates Development Programs
- Submitted by: manso
- Politics and Government
- 04 / 24 / 2011

By: Rose Ana Berbeo. Havana, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) First Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura evaluated economic and social development programs in the central-southern province of Cienfuegos, where he also visited health and scientific institutions.
According to a television report, the start of Machado's tour coincided with the completion of the sugar production plan for that province. Cienfuegos went over its goal by 9,000 tons.
Machado learned in detail about government initiatives to boost rice growing programs, such as electric-powered irrigation systems, which make it possible to double the annual harvest.
The vice president toured the new facilities of the Maternity Center, which has 60 beds and all the necessary resources.
He was also shown the repairs done to the provincial pediatric hospital, and heard about a construction program that aims to complete almost 2,000 homes this year.
The vice president also learned with interest about the research on combustion underway at the only laboratory of the national electric company devoted to developing technology and innovations in that process.