Washington Bans U.S. Scientist from Attending Int’l Event in Cuba
- Submitted by: manso
- Politics and Government
- 04 / 28 / 2011

HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 27 (acn) The government of the United States denied Dr. Harold Baseman permission to travel to Cuba to participate in the Sixth International Workshop on Aseptic Processing (Proceasep 2011), which begins on Wednesday at the Melia Cohiba Hotel in Havana.
Baseman works as instructor in Aseptic Processing at the Parenteral Drug Association in the U.S., a country that once again forbids the attendance of its specialists to international events in Cuba.
The U.S. scientist was to offer a lecture during the international event in Havana on the assessment of risks and validation in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Renowned personalities from Mexico, Argentina, Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden and China are participating in the Sixth International Workshop on Aseptic Processing (Proceasep 2011), which is organized by the Cuban National Center of Bio Products (BioCen).
Experts on development, production, and commercialization of the pharmaceutical industry in Cuba, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Belgium, Colombia and Costa Rica, are also taking part.