Lifeguard Completes World Record Paddleboard Attempt
- Submitted by: manso
- Travel and Tourism
- 06 / 17 / 2011

Aguilar paddled from 14 miles north of Cuba to Key West. The second time was the charm Cynthia Aguilar.
With only her arms to propel her paddleboard, the South Florida lifeguard completed a 103-mile voyage form near Cuba, across the Florida Straits to Key West.
The 27-year-old paddled nonstop for 29 hours and 12 minutes, which should set the record for longest nonstop paddleboard voyage, her camp said.
“Everybody here kept me going to prove that anything is possible no matter what,” Aguilar said describing her trip. “You’re knocked down, you get up, you keep fighting --- you keep paddling no matter what.”
It's the second time in as many years she has attempted the feat. Aguilar came up just short in September.
Aguilar started her paddle 14 miles north of Cuba on Wednesday. But she didn't make the attempt for a personal goal. The world record attempt will help raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Florida.
Aguilar's efforts were also recorded and will be part of a documentary. The video will also be sent to the Guinness Book of World Record so officials can verify the record.
If confirmed, Aguilar will also be the first person to paddleboard across the Florida Straits