Recommendations to prevent vaginal flow
- Submitted by: manso
- Society
- 06 / 30 / 2011

2011.06.30 - 09:45:30 / /Moorish herb or Jorulo. Havana, Cuba. - It is recommended to treat vaginal flow, caused by mycosis, with the leaves of a plant known as Moorish herb or Jorulo, as it is called in some areas of eastern Cuba.
The area is manually washed with boiled water before applying the vaginal bath to prevent possible infections. Do not use soap. Wash a bundle of Moorish herbs (30 at 50 g) with drinking water and place the leaves in a recipient with on liter of water. Cover with a lid and let it boil for 10 minutes, then turn off the fire and let it cool down. Filter it and use the decoction as hip or vaginal bathes three times a day (in the morning, in the afternoon and at night before going to bed) to cure the vaginal flow. By: Cecilio Curbelo
Translated by: Pedro A. Fanego Sea