Advocacy group publishes people-to-people travel list
- Submitted by: manso
- Politics and Government
- 08 / 25 / 2011
Responding to rising insecurity about the legality of people-to-people travel to Cuba, an anti-travel ban advocacy group in Washington published a guide for would-be travelers from the United States.
The Latin America Working Group’s how-to guide lists all U.S. travel service and charter providers to Cuba, as well as the programs they offer this and next year, under the religious, educational and people-to-people categories.
In January, the Obama administration eased travel restrictions to Cuba, allowing more students, religious activists and other regular U.S. citizens and residents to go. However, pressed by anti-Castro activists, the Office of Foreign Assets Control published a vaguely worded travel advisory in July that caused some travel providers to retract from offering Cuba tours.