Luis Estruch, deputy minister of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health has highlighted the role played by psychology in the Cuban health care. Health indicators are obtained this year from the activities of health promotion and disease prevention developed by the doctors of this specialty, amongst others.">Luis Estruch, deputy minister of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health has highlighted the role played by psychology in the Cuban health care. Health indicators are obtained this year from the activities of health promotion and disease prevention developed by the doctors of this specialty, amongst others.">

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Luis Estruch, deputy minister of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health has highlighted the role played by psychology in the Cuban health care. Health indicators are obtained this year from the activities of health promotion and disease prevention developed by the doctors of this specialty, amongst others.

Low rates of infant mortality, increased life expectancy at birth, more than 25 diseases eliminated or controlled through vaccines 18 of them are some of the major achievements of the sector, which would not have been possible without the support of these professionals.

The insertion of the specialty in primary care - clinics and polyclinics, preventive approaches, educational messages, allowed to provide better service and quality of life for Cubans, said the expert told Prensa Latina.

However, the nation faces new challenges, so that psychologists should work according to them, smoking, alcoholism, sexually transmitted infections, aging population, vector-borne diseases, he said.

During his participation at the Sixth International Conference on Health Psychology (Psicosalud 2011), Estruch also emphasized that the medical psychologist should influence the Cuban food culture, and influence the risk factors for noncommunicable diseases.

We must change lifestyles, food culture, reinforce the importance of exercise, and these specialists must develop actions to promote these changes, he said.

They have to know the picture of health at their level to design strategies to make, he said.

Psicosalud 2011 was inaugurated on Wednesday at the Palace of Conventions in Havana with the presence of some 500 delegates from 20 nations in the world.

Topics such as emergency and disaster psychology, sexual health, HIV / AIDS, human resource training, and art Psychoballet, oncology, among others, make up the scientific agenda of the forum, which will be held until next Friday.

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