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Despite the obstacles presented by the cigar world market given the economic crisis and the campaigns against smoking, the Habanos "Premium" (hand-rolled) maintains high sales.

Officials of Habanos SA, the exclusive marketer of the 27 tobacco brands in Cuba, confirmed today that revenues from these sales in 2011 totaled $ 401 million, up 9 percent to plan.

According to sources, Habanos had a global market share of 80 percent in value and confirmed its position as leader of tobacco "Premium", considered the best in the world.

Regionally, Western Europe accounts for 53 percent of the Cuban cigar market, followed by America (15), Asia-Pacific (13), Middle East and North Africa (12), Eastern Europe (5) and the rest of Africa (2).

By country, Spain, France and China leading the demand, in that order.

Germany, Switzerland, Lebanon, Cuba and its domestic market, Greece and United Arab Emirates are also on the first seats among the 150 nations where cigars are sold.

The export of tobacco is one of the main areas of Cuba, after nickel and biotech products.

Managers explained that Cuban cigars are still absent from the U.S. market, due to "irrational" policy of economic, financial and trade that Washington against Havana since 1962, officially.

Local estimates say that the Caribbean island lost more than $ 79 million in 2011, unable to sell their products from the tobacco industry in the U.S. market because of the fence.

The World Trade Organization reported that in the world are sold more than 14,800 million cigars each year, and that America is a nation that consumes half the snuff type "Premium".

Most cigar smokers on the planet prefer the cigars are made with binder and filler leaves produced in the towns of San Juan y Martinez and San Luis, in the Vuelta Abajo region (western end of Cuba), considered the best land for the production of that plant.

In these territories there is a perfect combination of soil, climate and humidity, leading to the growth of a natural product is totally unique and revered for its aroma, color, texture and flavor.

By 2012, Habanos SA predicts stability in sales, which will benefit from the introduction of new lines of marks "Romeo and Juliet" and "Cohiba", as well as limited edition cigars.

Such products are promoted this week at the XIV International Habano Festival, which opened yesterday at the Palace of Conventions in Havana, attended by over 1,500 delegates from 70 countries.

Considered the leading travel meeting incentive tourism of the island, this annual event of distributors, specialists and lovers of the best cigar in the world will meet until March 2nd next, interested in learning firsthand the Cuban tobacco agribusiness.

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