World Health Day dedicated to healthy aging
- Submitted by: Luis Manuel Mazorra
- Health and Medicine
- 04 / 10 / 2012

On 7 April, World Health Day was dedicated to healthy aging that is embodied in the existence of 172 people a hundred years or more in the province of Villa Clara.
Longevity with quality of life starts from the baby's gestation, continues throughout the subsistence of man and has to do with the formation of habits including physical exercise, personal hygiene and disposal of toxic practices, among others.
Mario Sanchez, head of the Program for Older Adults in the Health Sector of the territory Villa Clara, told ACN that there is a downward trend in deaths and births, particularly in industrialized countries, while Cuba is among the aging nations in the world.
Meant that over 152 600 people live in Villa Clara with 60 years or older, representing 21.4 percent of the population, resulting from the work of Cuban health system, a high cultural level, the care of social security and society work together.
This province is among the highest proportion of elderly residents and fewer births in the country and also has a life expectancy at birth of 79 years for men and 80 women.
He stressed that to achieve healthy aging, it is essential the work of prevention and monitoring of chronic conditions in clinics and family doctor clinics, together with the work of cultural and sporting organizations.
Naomi Machado, retired from the Ministry of Agriculture, 13 years ago, the club participates in Joy of Living, with older people and said he always is busy with a task of the group.
He added that belong to this group will miss his time prevents labor, remains active and eager to enjoy life.