Quesada is included Capablanca Elite Group
- Submitted by: Luis Manuel Mazorra
- Sports
- 04 / 12 / 2012

Carlos Rivero, national chess commissioner, announced that between 3 and May 15 will be held in Havana Capablanca Memorial where the young Yuniesky Quesada participate in the Elite group.
Quesada will be part of the primary key of the event, composed of six chess players as part of their preparation for the World Championships to be held from late August in Istanbul, Turkey, Rivera said the National Information Agency.
The Antillean not usually involved in many tournaments that pits players from more than two thousand 700 rating points and now have the opportunity to "foguearlo" at that level, said the manager.
Current Cuban monarch, Quesada is the number three national ranking with two thousand 625 units and although the universal appointment must take the third board at times defend the strong second table.
In the Capablanca Memorial, whose collective average exceed two thousand 700, face to star as the Ukrainian Vassily Ivanchuk (two thousand 764) and fellow Leinier Dominguez (two thousand 730), the highest Elo registered.
It will also be panels by the Russians Ian Nepomniachtchi (two thousand 718) and Vladimir Potkin (two thousand 669), in Czech Viktor Laznicka (two thousand 702), enrolled for the first time in a contest of this kind.
Quesada will take the place of his compatriot Bruzon Lazaro (two thousand 694), now located in the Premier group, which will be heavily favored.
The Elite will be double round clashes with the system of all against all, but the Premier will have the single elimination among its 10 participants.