Cuban integrates UPADI Directory
- Submitted by: Luis Manuel Mazorra
- Science and Technology
- 04 / 16 / 2012

Last April 12 was announced in Havana Cuban integration Caparó Antonio Marichal to the Board of the Pan American Union of Engineering Associations (UPADI), an organization that has two million members of the American continent.
Irene Campos Gomez, President of UPADI praised Thursday's election as Vice President Caparó Marichal for the Caribbean region, in delivering the closing speech at the XXXIII Convention of the group, which met last Monday at the Palace of Conventions Havana.
The expert of the island is at the head of the National Union of Architects and Construction Engineers and headed the organizing committee of the meeting, attended by about 800 representatives from 25 nations.
Their deliberations took place in 17 events, whose themes were related to maintenance engineering, ocean and coastal mechanical, electrical and industrial watersheds, environment and heritage tourism, applied chemistry and earthquake resistant structures.
The remaining directors are from Brazil, Canada, El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay, and were elected at the meeting 550 of the General Assembly, held in the Melia Cohiba, also said the Minister of Housing and Human Affairs of Costa Rica.
Campos Gomez reiterated that the discipline concerned should uphold standards of environmental sustainability, social development, economic growth and technology transfer, based on the application of best practices.
One of the Pan American Awards given at this time corresponded to the Honduran Irma Acosta de Fortin, the first college graduate in his nation's engineer, who said after receiving the plaque for Cuba "cultivate a white rose"
Havana in 1951 hosted the first convention of the Union and in 1988 to the twentieth.