Danza Contemporanea to perform at the Olympics Games
- Submitted by: lena campos
- Dance
- 04 / 25 / 2012

After a successful European tour—with presentations in Italy, France, and Spain—Danza Contemporanea de Cuba (DCC) will start a new one around 10 cities of Great Britain. The main attraction of the chosen program will be the premier of a work by the Israeli choreographer Itzik Galili, who will be part of the cultural program of the Olympic Games organized in London.
The world premier of the show will be at Newcastle, the official venue of the boxing competitions. It is not a coincidence: Galili´s proposal comes from the great Cuban tradition in this specific sport.
The program will be completed by “Carmen” and “Mambo 3 XXI”, two successful works in this company´s repertoire.
Before the presentation in the United kingdom, DCC will be at the German theater Maschinenhaus in VW-Heizkraftwerk with those two last productions along with Demo-N/Crazy, by the Catalan Rafael Bonachela. Having that same schedule, the company made performances in Italy, France and Spain.
On April 19, in its venue in Havana, the group offered a partial rehearsal for students, professionals and critics of Galili´s work. The official premier will be in July.
Faithful to the tradition of inviting great figures of the international dance world, the company will be also offering in July two functions of “Regalo de Malakhov”(Malakhov´s gift) in Havana, where the famous Russian dancer Vladimir Malakhov, a star of the ballet world, will share the stage with Cuban dancers.
Among the singularities of the proposal is the live presentation of the popular Cuban duet Buena Fe.