Cuba Headlines

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  • Submitted by: lena campos
  • 11 / 20 / 2013

The International Congress on Law, Abogacia 2013, begins today in Cuba, attended by about 400 delegates from 18 countries, to discuss and exchange ideas on issues of legal science.

According to the National Organization of Collective Law Offices (ONBC), the meeting, to be concluded on Nov. 21, will include presentations to understand situations of dispute between individuals or legal entities.

ONBC president Ariel Mantecon said recently that the event is organized under the co-auspices of the National Association of Cuban Lawyers, and the University of Havana's School of Law.

Attorney General of the Republic of Angola, Joao Maria Moreira, and the chairman of that African nation's Bar Association, Hermenegildo Cachimbombo, will give master lectures during this Congress.

The commissions will discuss issues related to improving the Cuban economic model, fighting corruption, labor law, new forms of employment, civil rights, and family.

Source: Prensa Latina

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