Private services have employed over 100 thousand workers
- Submitted by: Camila
- Business and Economy
- 10 / 08 / 2014
The private sector had hired 100 thousand 448 people in Havana through the month of September, this is a much sought after area in the country and has been an important source of employment.
Homero Acosta, secretary of the State Council, also highlighted that the Cabinet has approved 498 non-agricultural cooperatives, and 283 of them are already established, mainly in the field of gastronomy and related services.
He also highlighted the broad regulation that has had private activity, concentrated mainly in the field of preparation and sale of food (12%), transport of cargo or passengers (10%) and house renting (6%).
Across the country there are 473 475 people working with non-state efforts, which, according to Acosta, are eligible for social security scheme approved in Decree Law 284 of 2011, pursuant to a mandate of the Social Security Law, 2008.
Source: ACN