Camagüey celebrates the Feast of Tinajón
- Submitted by: Camila
- Arts and Culture
- 11 / 14 / 2014

Started yesterday in the city of Camagüey the V Feast of Tinajón, an event that brings together and showcases the vast potential of local art. It also will meet the Camagüey Music seminar, dedicated to musicians Jorge Gonzalez Allué, Juan Formell and Marín Varona.
Organized by the Office of the Historian of the City of Camagüey, the seminar will open the theoretical program of the celebration, and will feature Jesus Gomez Cairo, director of the National Music Museum .
For its part, the artistic program will start with a parade along Avenida de la Caridad, headquarters of the celebrations, which involve a number of dance performances, theater and musical groups in the province.
Until next Sunday, in that avenue and other surrounding streets will be spaces for music, dance, film, visual arts, marketing of cultural products, and dissemination of the work of amateurs, among other proposals, labor of almost hundred ensembles and artists in diverse manifestations.
As a special guest of the event will be the Aragon Orchestra, which will have three presentations, including one jointly with Adalberto Alvarez y su Son, whose 30th anniversary this fifth edition of the festival is also dedicated.