Cuba seeks $ 600 million for wind energy
- Submitted by: Juana
- Environment
- Havana
- Business and Economy
- 07 / 14 / 2015

Cuba wants to build thirteen wind farms, to increase the production of so-called "clean energy", now only reaches slightly more than four percent in the country, announced by Alfredo Lopez, Minister of Energy and Mines (Minem by its Spanish acronym).
Government aspiration is to produce by 2030 24 percent of energy from renewable resources, and it is looking for investments worth over 600 million dollars of foreign capital.
López presented the plans of Minem before attending the first day of work commissions of the National Assembly, but did not specify whether the country had received concrete offers from investors interested in this project.
The minister said that the increased use of energy sources such as wind, solar and hydropower will reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and thus save about 780 million dollars a year.