Rainfall average in Cuba in 2015 lower than historic average
- Submitted by: Juana
- Environment
- 11 / 13 / 2015

The national rainfall average in May-October period was lower than the historical average when registering a total of 855.4 millimeters, 84 percent of what must rain at this stage of the year
According to the National Hydrological Service of the Directorate of Rational Use of Water, which belongs to the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH by its Spanish acronym), the western region had the highest deficit with 895.3 mm (80 percent of the average), the eleventh driest record there since 1901.
At the end of October the 242 reservoirs managed by INRH stored 4 555 million cubic meters of water, representing 50 percent of their total capacity.
The volume is below the historical average by about 1 383 million, representing an increase of 734 million compared to the amount they had at the end of September.
Despite the improvement experienced in different parts of the national territory, the efficient use of water is essential, taking into account the significant deficits of rain for several months.
source: www.cibercuba.com