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Love in Havana is the title of the first Chinese-Cuba cinema coproduction scheduled for shooting in Havana in early March, between a Chinese audiovisual producer and Cuban RTV Comercial film company. 
RTV Comercial general director and Zhen Dawei, film director, signed the accords on Tuesday to implement the co-production project. 
Ortega told ACN that the film is the first in a joint project to produce audiovisuals that reflect the cultures of China and Cuba. But the most important thing is that this project will bring Chinese and Cuban talents together to make a cinema that unites us, he noted. 
The full-length film tells the story of Chinese students that fall in love here while taking their education courses and expose the difficulties of a relationship between people of different cultures. 
Zheng Dawei thanked RTV Comercial and the Moncada music band, in charge of the soundtrack, for achieving a goal that was being pursued for the past two years.
This film will be the first in a project that will include another four joint movies in Cuba.

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