Alicia Alonso for World Dance Day
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- Arts and Culture
- Dance
- Events
- International
- 04 / 22 / 2007

"I wish the world could enjoy this date as we do in Cuba," Alonso pointed out, referring to the fame of Cubans not only in popular dance but also in classical ballet.
"We are an expression of life and because of this we can struggle, live and grow. I don t know if it s the mixture of our blood or the force of the Revolution," she remarked.
The prima ballerina assoluta chaired a press conference on The Mark of Spain Festival, she founded 19 years ago for the purpose of highlighting the cultural bonds between the two nations.
The event shall conclude on April 29 coinciding with the International Dance Day and Cuba has prepared a broad program that includes granting an National Award to choreographer Ivan Tenorio, in that artistic manifestation.
This date was set in 1982 in homage of the French choreographer Jean Jacques Noverre (1727-1810).