
Seven Cuban Mothers Protest with Their Children Outside Marianao Government: "I Can't Take It Anymore"

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 by Zoe Salinas

Seven Cuban mothers staged a protest this Wednesday with their children in front of the Marianao municipal government in Havana, driven by the dire conditions they face without housing, potable water, or food for their children. "I can't take it anymore," expressed a young woman who arrived at the office early in the morning and claimed that no one had come out to address her concerns.

Two other mothers, some of whom had previously approached the residence of the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel a few weeks ago without receiving any responses to their demands, vowed to remain at the government headquarters until they were given the keys to a home where they could live. The women, accompanied by their young children, many of whom are under two years old, sat on the building's porch.

"My name is Lisbeth Ferrer Pango, and I have been here at the Marianao government since the morning, waiting for them to decide to help us because I can't take it anymore. I'm exhausted. I have no water, and the construction of my house is incomplete. Today, the 15th, they were supposed to hand over my house, but they haven't. It's always the same story," one of the mothers stated.

"We are not leaving here until we are attended to because I will not leave until they give me the key to a place to live," declared another mother.

Activist Support and Previous Protests

The protest was shared on the Facebook profile of Cuban activist Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia, who had to leave the island under threats from the Cuban regime after she went to the Ministry of Public Health with several mothers to demand medical attention for children with severe illnesses that endanger their lives.

Last month, the mothers protested outside Díaz-Canel's residence in Havana but were not attended to. They were later threatened with prison sentences by the regime's State Security.

FAQs About the Marianao Protest

In light of the recent protest by Cuban mothers in Marianao, here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to better understand the situation.

Why are the mothers protesting?

The mothers are protesting due to extreme living conditions, including the lack of housing, potable water, and food for their children.

Have the mothers received any response from the government?

As of now, the mothers have not received any response from the Marianao municipal government or from Miguel Díaz-Canel's residence.

Who is Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia?

Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia is a Cuban activist who has supported the mothers and had to leave the island due to threats from the Cuban regime.

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