
Trial Concludes for Attackers of Young Lester Domínguez in Holguín

Thursday, May 16, 2024 by Charlotte Gomez

Trial Concludes for Attackers of Young Lester Domínguez in Holguín
Léster Domínguez - Imagen de © Dennis Domínguez / Facebook

The trial for the assailant of Lester Domínguez, the teenager who was brutally attacked with a machete in Holguín in March of last year, concluded on Wednesday, May 15. The assault was in an attempt to steal a cellphone.

His father, Dennis Domínguez, shared on his Facebook page that the hearing began at 10:00 am and ended at 4:00 pm. During the trial, events unfolded that caused him to fear the final outcome.

The accused, identified as Adrián Grass Bermúdez, faces a proposed 20-year prison sentence for the machete attack on Lester and an additional four years for stealing two other phones from different victims. These phones, as well as Lester's, were recovered, with Lester's being found buried in the attacker's backyard.

Dennis recounted that he was asked if he knew Adrián, to which he responded affirmatively, noting that Adrián had previously dated his sister. They also inquired if the attacker's family had provided any assistance over the past year, to which Dennis replied that they had provided food for three or four months.

"These seem like irrelevant questions that deviate from the main issue, which is proving the attacker's guilt. They didn't ask about the aftermath, with Lester still bedridden at this moment," Dennis criticized.

Dennis also observed that the defendant appeared "very healthy" during the trial, attributing this to his connection with a prison official, who allegedly warned other inmates that Adrián was his godson and should not be harmed.

The primary concern of this courageous father is that his son's attacker may not receive a punishment fitting the severity of his violent act, especially since the other suspect committed suicide when police attempted to arrest him.

"The attackers were Adrián and another individual who hanged himself. Now, they want to make it seem like the immediate perpetrator was the one who took his life. That night, it was Adrián who arrived on a bicycle with a machete. Lester's cellphone, bloodstained clothes, and the machete were found in his yard, indicating he was not acting under any threat," Dennis detailed.

The Holguín Provincial Prosecutor's Office is seeking a four-year prison term for Adrián Grass Bermúdez for continued cellphone theft and 20 years for the violent robbery involving Lester. The combined sentence amounts to 24 years of imprisonment.

More than a year after the brutal machete assault in Holguín, Lester Domínguez Ortiz has yet to regain the ability to walk.

His heroic father, who has tirelessly supported him throughout this ordeal, remarked that Lester has overcome many of the attack's consequences, such as a sore on his back, and no longer requires a mechanical ventilator to breathe.

"There's still work to be done on his psychological well-being, as Lester has not been able to take a step yet," he lamented.

The main concern remains the boy's spinal issues, which are the primary obstacle preventing him from returning to a normal life.

Although he is in good health and performs exercises daily to strengthen his arms, legs, and abdomen, he struggles to keep his head stable when lifted.

Key Questions About the Lester Domínguez Case

In light of the trial and ongoing concerns surrounding the attack on Lester Domínguez, several key questions emerge regarding the case's details and implications.

What are the charges against Adrián Grass Bermúdez?

Adrián Grass Bermúdez faces 20 years for the machete attack on Lester Domínguez and an additional four years for the theft of two other cellphones, making a total of 24 years in prison.

How has Lester Domínguez's health progressed since the attack?

Lester has overcome several physical consequences of the attack, such as a sore on his back and no longer needing a mechanical ventilator. However, he still cannot walk due to spinal issues.

What are the concerns regarding the trial's outcome?

Lester's father, Dennis Domínguez, fears that the connections of the accused to a prison official and the suicide of the other suspect may lead to an unjustly lenient sentence for Adrián Grass Bermúdez.

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